German electronic component distribution market in Q3/16
November 21, 2016
German electronic distribution market (according to FBDi association) slightly lost ground in the third quarter 2016 (-3.4%). Book-to-bill rate remains positive.
The German components distribution market has finished the third quarter of 2016 with a little decline. The revenues of the member companies dropped by 3.4% to 802 Mio. €. In contrast, orders rose by 0.5% (809 Mio. Euro). The resulting book-to-bill rate of 1.1 remains in the positive range.
The decline is also due to a technical effect, since the quarter was an entire week longer for companies with fiscal year as accounting period and not to calendar month. Without this effect the sales result would be balanced.
Semiconductor sales declined by 2.6% to 565 Mio. Euro (incoming orders: 555 Mio. Euro), which corresponds to 70% of the total sales. With a minus of 2.4%, passive components generated slightly less sales, equivalent to 111 Mio. Euro (incoming orders: 116 Mio. Euro), corresponding to a share of 14% of total sales. The outcome for electromechanical components dropped by 5% to 74 Mio. Euro, which accounts to a share of 9%. Other components: displays -25% (specific effect), sensors -0.1%, power supplies 7.9%.
FBDi Chairman of the board Georg Steinberger says:
“However, the massive consolidation of semiconductor manufacturers causes some headaches”, says Steinberger. “As the worldwide semiconductor market remains weak, companies seek to create synergies by acquisitions, and optimize earnings through pressure on the sales channel. This is neither good for customers nor for distributors. It is simply not sustainable.”
Electronic Components Market Germany Q3 2016

Information about FBDi
FBDI e.V., Wolfram Ziehfuss, CEO, Mayrweg 5, 84364 Bad Birnbach, Germany
Tel. +49 (0) 8563 9788 908, Mailto:
Media contact
Georg Steinberger, C/o Avnet EMG, Im Technologiepark 2, 85586 Poing, Germany
Tel. +49 (0) 8121 774 203, Mailto: