Topics – Areas of Competence

One of the building blocks for individual success is sharing knowledge.

The member companies of the FBDi meet at regular intervals in topic-specific Competence Teams (CTs) and gain a valuable knowledge advantage through the exchange within the association.


Competence Team­
Environment & Compliance

To protect people and the environment, more and more regulations are coming into force at country level and at EU level – this is the focus of our competence Team Environment & Compliance.

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Competence Team­
Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, CSRD

Which conditions and rules have to be observed when fulfilling the due diligence obligations and much more.

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Competence Team­
Market & Future

Which megatrends are shaping the industry and how will the key markets of tomorrow be shaped? How does our current business model fit in with this?

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Competence Team­
Quality Management

Among other things, we take on the latest ISO standards and show how good and successful quality management can work and support and optimize business processes.

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Competence Team­

Since distributors are affected by many directives that are relevant to transport, the issues at stake are customs tariffs, embargoes, transport regulations, export controls and much more.

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Starting spring 2020, a large number of rolling web conferences have been established at the FBDi, which has led to more efficient cooperation across many companies. This is combined with the advantage of being able to bring members from D-A-CH together at short notice to exchange a current topic without travel time.

Topics arise in particular out of the areas

  1. Compliance = EU Directives
    Regulations and How-To-Dos / impact
  2. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
  3. Circular economy and environmental issues
  4. Logistics
  5. Quality Management
  6. Substance regulations, sanctions
  7. Customs and Market Surveillance

In addition to the industry-specific exchange, the cooperation in these teams also aims to create topic-specific guidelines as a guide for all companies along the supply chain.

Overarching topics are also addressed in separate groups and, in addition to the competence teams named here, are dealt with either in face-to-face meetings or in web conferences that can be convened at short notice.



In addition, the FBDi set up a »bi-weekly web conference« in which the owners and managing directors of the members exchanged views on the measures and how to deal with the pandemic.

In the meantime, this web conference is also used for other industry-specific exchanges and presentations by external parties. In addition, we also create a distribution-specific business climate indicator – comparable to the Ifo business climate index.

Inzwischen wird diese Web-Konferenz auch für weiteren branchenspezifischen Aus­tausch und Vorträge von Externen gerne genutzt. Daneben erstellen wir – ver­gleich­bar dem Ifo-Ge­schäfts­klima­index – auch einen distri­bu­tions­spe­zifi­schen Ge­schäfts­klima­in­di­kator. Dieses Format wird auch über die Pan­demie hinaus bei­be­hal­ten werden.


More to come …

If there is a viable number of interested participants within the group of members on certain topics or tasks...

... there is always the possibility at the FBDi to address these in the competence teams or to set up completely new teams of appropriate specialists!

If necessary, external specialist lectures are also held, for which speakers from politics and business can also be found in the association. The topic »Standard Essential Patents (SEP) & Patent Law« was presented by a renowned patent attorney and discussed intensively.

As an association, we will set further accents. We look forward to that.

Andreas Falke
in November 2022

Events / Dates

26.02.2025 - 27.02.2025

LOPEC 2025

Internationale Fachmesse und Konferenz für flexible, organische und gedruckte Elektronik. München, Deutschland.

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27.02.2025 - 27.02.2025

Zukunftsforum Elektrokeramik

Der SFB 1548 − FLAIR lädt ein zum Zukunftsforum Elektrokeramik.
Georg-Christoph-Lichtenberg-Haus der TU Darmstadt

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11.03.2025 - 13.03.2025